Monday, April 4, 2016

Letter Poem

The Letter "O"
It looks like a bubble 
Or a ball. 
Like a planet 
Or a lid. 
Like a clock
Or a sun. 
It looks like a zero
Or a puffer fish.
Like a head 
Or an eyeball.
 It looks like a smiley face when you add dots
Or like a person with a party hat if you add an upside down v.

Insult Poem

His hair was as dirty as the lies

All he does is cries
He thinks he's cool
Although he's just a tool

 He is so pathetic
It makes him synthetic
He gets as mad as a duck without food
Sometimes I just have to be rude

His brain is so small
I doubt he uses it at all
He thinks his mixtape is fire
But he's just a big liar

He thinks he's so lit
And he says that he's fit
It's time to workout
Instead of pout

Monday, January 11, 2016


By Rausee Johnson

Freezing, exhausted, and blinded by snow I lay here screaming for help hoping someone will find me. It was 5:22am. when I started my journey up the tallest mountain on Earth, Mount Everest. It's always been a dream of mine to climb this mountain but I never gotten the chance… Until now.

I was about 20 minutes away from the base when it started to snow. I continued to hike, but the snow fell harder and harder every minute. I was pushing through, I couldn’t see the trail anymore and everything was just white, I couldn’t see further than about a foot in front of me. I was making random turns and just trying to stay on trail. After about an three hours of a horrible blizzard it started to slow down. I didn’t know where I was or if I was still on the trail so I just keep climbing. My body was tired and I couldn’t go any further. I stopped and took a rest, put some more layers of warm clothes on, and ate some food. I ended up falling asleep for a couple hours. After my body was rehydrated and had more energy I continued on my journey. It was all uphill at this point. I didn’t know how far I had gone or how much further I had to go. The snow kept coming on and off, it was below zero and I couldn’t feel any part of my body anymore. The worst blizzard of them all had occurred. I couldn’t see anything, my heart started beating at 100 miles per hour. I was hitting trees, kicking rocks, and tripping over my own feet. All the sudden the hill went from being uphill to going downhill. I kicked a rock and started to stumble down. I couldn't get my feet under me. I felt a screaming pain shoot up my leg, I could hear the bone snapping and it felt like it echoed in my brain for minutes. My eyes started to water and I started to sweat, which is weird because it was below zero. I honestly thought my leg was just going to pop off because I was so cold and it hurt so bad. The pain continued to get worse and worse.

I lay here in the snow just hoping someone will come find me. My food supply was slowly dwindling down. I start to lose all hope that I will survive. Minutes went by, which turned to hours, which transformed into days…. and before I could blink my eyes it had been three, cold long days of laying here screaming for help.I had frostbite on my ears, fingers, toes, and nose, I could hardly even move anymore. All my hope was gone, I was going to die here on the middle of the mountain. My lips were dry and cracking, my whole body was froze, I couldn’t move anything. My eyes rolled back in my head.
“Wake up. Wake up.” yelled a random man, while shaking me.
My eyes slowly opened, I yelled in pain. My leg was aching and my heart was racing. I’m nearly dead, but fighting for every last minute I have.
  The random man called flight for life. They came immediately, I was almost dead, we rushed to the hospital. I was in so much pain on the way there, but luckily when we got to the hospital they gave me pain medicine that helped a lot.
"Gus.... Are you okay? I love you." yelled my wife.

My wife and two kids met me at the hospital, they were so worried about me. They had no idea where I was but when they saw me my youngest daughter, Alissa, she’s four, started crying and screaming because my face was dry and cut up. I was at the hospital for two nights and three days. I had a shattered shin bone, extremely bad frostbite, and was dehydrated. I had to have surgery on my broken leg, I will be in a cast for about a month and can’t do anything for six months. I finally got released from the hospital I made it home safely and I’m having a long, but great recovery. The day I broke my leg was one of the most memorable, yet scary days of my life. I’m so lucky to be alive today.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hello fellow classmates! This is Rausee's blog.